Our research brings together people of very diverse specialisms, united in their enthusiasm to study fundamental problems of mathematical physiology and biophysics of direct clinical relevance. If you are interested in joining our lab, please write to <Igor.Chernyavsky at manchester.ac.uk>.

Research Opportunities

Novel Models for Haemodynamics and Transport in Complex Media: Towards Precision Healthcare for Placental Disorders (EP/T008725/1 & EP/T008806/1) is a project that harnesses experimental, theoretical and clinical expertise to deliver new models and technologies for precision medicine in obstetrics and neonatal critical care.

The current team members are
University of Manchester: Igor Chernyavsky, Oliver Jensen, Anne Juel, Eleanor Doman, Kerstin Schirrmann & Qi Chen
University of Edinburgh: Timm Krüger, Miguel Bernabeu, Qi (Charles) Zhou & Ellie Seed
Manchester University NHS St Mary's Hospital: Ed Johnstone
McMaster University: Ravi Selvaganapathy

We are hiring! (job posting) Please get in touch if you are interested in state-of-the-art experimental bio-microfluidics.

Current Group Members & Collaborators

Igor Chernyavsky (Senior Lecturer in Applied Mathematics, Mathematics)

Oliver Jensen (Sir Horace Lamb Professor, Mathematics)

Richard Mcnair (EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow, Mathematics)

Peter Castellucci (PhD Student, Mathematics)

Tianran Wan (PhD Student, Mathematics)

Anne Juel (Professor of Fluid Dynamics, Manchester Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics)

Shamik Hazra (Research Associate in Microfluidics, Manchester Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics)

Qi Chen (PhD Student, Manchester Centre for Nonlinear Dynamics)

Edward Johnstone (Clinical Professor in Obstetrics & Fetal Medicine, Maternal & Fetal Health Research Centre)

Paul Brownbill (Lecturer in Developmental Biology & Medicine, Maternal & Fetal Health Research Centre)

Eleanor Doman (Independent Research Fellow, Maternal & Fetal Health Research Centre / Mathematics)

2023 2023 (EPSRC project team)
2018 2018 (MRC project team)

Group's Alumni

Post-doctoral Researchers

  • Eleanor Doman (2021-2023; now: Independent Research Fellow, University of Manchester) – supported by the EPSRC
  • Gareth Nye (2017-2019; now: Senior Lecturer, University of Chester) – supported by the MRC

PhD Students

Master's Students

  • Saskia Port (2018-2019, Medicine, UoM; now: Clinical Trainee, Manchester University NHS Trust)

Undergraduate Summer Interns

  • Valeria Ciccone (2021; Maths & Physics, UoM; now: PhD student, University of Manchester) – supported by UoM LTR Programme
  • Tomass Vaivods (2019; Maths & Physics, UoM; now: Research Software Engineer, Refeyn, Oxford) – supported by MRC DTP
  • François de Tournemire (2019; Physics, UoM; MSc student, University of Paris-Saclay) – supported by UoM LTR Programme
  • Ruth Whelan-Jeans (2018; Physics, UoM: now: Data Scientist, Netacea) – supported by MRC DTP
  • Sebastian Gilbert (2017; Mathematics, UoM; now: PhD student, University of Birmingham) – supported by MRC DTP
team.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/14 21:33 by Igor Chernyavsky
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